Families can find it difficult to decide what the next step is for their loved ones as they age and require more assistance. Cost, resources, location and the happiness of your family are all important factors. Here are some reasons why you should consider in-home care for your loved ones if you’re unsure and confused.

1. Healthier Ageing:

According to, older people who remain at home enjoy better health, quicker recovery and live longer. It’s because germs and other viruses are more easily spread in Nursing Homes and assisted-living facilities. However, staying at home eliminates the possibility of cross-contamination. The comfort and familiarity in the family home not only reduces stress, but also ensures that the condition of your loved one is closely monitored and personally.

2. Happier Ageing:

In , a survey conducted by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute of 2,400 older Australians revealed that 93% percent of respondents aspired to stay in their home. Most older people would rather stay in their homes because it allows them to maintain their sense of independence and identity. Many people fall into depression without the environment that inspires and grounds them. They also lose motivation to pursue their passions. In-home care ensures that health and safety are closely monitored, but also that the person can continue to live the lifestyle that has made them who they are. In-home care allows individuals to continue enjoying their favorite activities, hobbies and meals. They can also continue to have their favourite belongings and items around them.

3. Happier Pets:

Staying at home also means you can keep your beloved pet, which for many is crucial to feeling safe, loved and happy. It has been shown that owning a dog can reduce stress and loneliness.

4. Happier Relationships:

The elderly can experience feelings like loneliness and isolation after moving from their homes to nursing home facilities. home care allows them to remain a part their community and see the people who make them happy. In-home care strengthens relationships between immediate family members as the sons, daughter and spouses no longer have to worry about caring for family members. In other words in-home care lets families be families.

5. Happier Carers:

The added benefit of staying at home is that it encourages stronger bonds between the Nurses/Caregivers/clients. The Sandra‘s Huusengel are usually staffed by rotating staff, with many clients in a small space. Receiving care at home, however, allows you to receive personalised one-on one care from the same members of staff, which fosters a sense of trust and friendship between clients and caregivers.

6. Enjoy a Happy and Healthy Life

Challenge the stereotypes about ageing. It’s not necessary to feel helpless as you age. We believe that ageing should be celebrated until the end. It doesn’t mean our clients who receive in-home care don’t face their fair shares of challenges. But it does mean they can continue to make meaningful memories at home while being cared for holistically and not just medically. If all aspects of life are taken care of, including physical and emotional well-being, relationships, hobbies and interests, and the environment, we can live a fulfilling and prosperous life, regardless of our age.